HEC6 scour and deposition in rivers and reservoirs / Army C-orps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center. - Davis, Calif. Kyoto University, Engineering Research Institute - 13 v. + disketes

Todos los volúmenes citados forman parte del paquete de com-putación HEC-6, así fueron comprados por la Biblioteca DEPF-I-II. Para utilizar los disketes solicítelos en el mostrado-r de préstamo. Contenido : v.1 HEC6 scour and deposition in- rivers an reservoirs -- v.2 CK HEC-5 input data checking p-rogram for HEC-5 users manual -- v.3 COED corps of engineer-s editor -- v.4 HEC-5 simulation of flood control and conse-rvation systems users manual (without exhibit 8) -- v.5 HEC--5 simulation of flood control and conservation systems exh-ibit 8 of user's manual-input description -- v.6 INCARD flo-w conversion for HEC-5. users manual -- v.7 INFIVE interact-ive input preparation program for HEC-5. users manual -- v.-8 MODS Interactive input modification program for HEC-5 use-rs manual -- v.9 Flood flow frequency analysis the hydrolog-ic engineering center computer program 723-X6-L7550 -- v.10- Installation instruction for microcomputer version of HEC--2 on a single disk -- v. 11 Installation instructions for t-he microcomputer version of HEC-6 -- v. 12 HEC-1 flood hyd-rograph package large-army version implementation april 199-1, version 40.1E -- v.13 HEC1 IN interactive input develope-r for HEC-1.