Dependable systems : software, computing, networks : research results of the DICS program / DICS Dependable information and communications systems Jürg Kohlas, Bertrand Meyer, André Schiper, eds. - xii, 294 páginas : ilustraciones - Lecture notes in computer science, State-of-the-art survey 4028. . - Lecture notes in computer science ; 4028 Lecture notes in computer science. State-of-the-art survey Lecture notes in computer science .

9783540368212 3540368213 (rústica: papel libre de ácido)

Software para computadora--Confiabilidad--Investigación
Sistemas para computadoras--Confiabilidad--Investigación
Redes de computadoras--Confiabilidad--Investigación

QA76.76R44 / D47
