Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Facultad de Ingeniería. Posgrado
Catálogo de la Biblioteca "Dr. Enzo Levi”

Recent developments in yield-line theory...

Recent developments in yield-line theory... - [Londres, Inglaterra] : Cement and Concrete Association - 74 p. - MCR special publication .

Contenido: The evaluation of nodal and edge forces in yield--line theory / by K.O. Kemp. -- Equilibrium methods for lea-st upper bounds of rigid-plastic plates / by C.T. Morley. --- A new nodal-force theory / by M.P. Nielsen. -- New techni-ques in nodal-force theory for slabs / by R.H. Wood. -- The- use of nodal forces in yield-line analysis / by L.L. Jones-.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 

Biblioteca "Dr. Enzo Levi” Conjunto sur, Edificio de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería

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