Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Facultad de Ingeniería. Posgrado
Catálogo de la Biblioteca "Dr. Enzo Levi”

Seismic analysis of the charaima builidng Caraballeda, Vene-zuela to Board of Directors Structural Engineers Associatio-n of Northern California: final report / by Subcommittee of- the SEAONC Research Committee; Vitelmo V. Bertero...[et al-.]

Seismic analysis of the charaima builidng Caraballeda, Vene-zuela to Board of Directors Structural Engineers Associatio-n of Northern California: final report / by Subcommittee of- the SEAONC Research Committee; Vitelmo V. Bertero...[et al-.] - Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, College of Engineering - 86 p. - Report ; No. UCB / EERC 70-4. .

"Report to: Board of Directors Structural Engineers Associa-tion of Northern California".

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 

Biblioteca "Dr. Enzo Levi” Conjunto sur, Edificio de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería

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